Well hello there !

 We are delighted to welcome you among our users.

 To make things simple, we wrote this end user license agreement so that you become fully acquainted with the rules which govern our application.

 The use of the TEAZR application therefore implies a complete acceptance of these rules.

 OH MY APP (which we call "TEAZR" in the following general conditions of use of the application TEAZR), which holds the rights of the application TEAZR is a computer activity company.

 This application TEAZR, is a mobile application that allows the sharing of photos/videos with a group of friends (or publicly) at a very precise time in the future.


 In order to use the Application via a mobile phone, tablet or other mobile terminal, the user must have an appropriate broadband Internet access, a telephone subscription allowing access to the Internet, a mobile phone and/or a mobile terminal compatible with the Application such as: Smartphone (IOS or Android) and tablets, a WAP connection, WiFi and/or 3 G/4 G on its telephone or its mobile terminal.

 In case of doubt concerning the said costs, the user must consult his or her mobile operator or Internet service provider before accessing the Application and/or using them.


 Using the Application requires the creation of a user account (hereafter "user account") on the Application.

 Any User is authorized with being titular user and only one Account User and one Application can be installed on a mobile terminal.

 The User guarantees that the data that is communicated for purposes of creation of the User Account are is complete and accurate and does not include any information that would be unlawful, contrary to public interest, or otherwise likely to damage the business or reputation of Teazr if used in any way.

 At the time of creating the user account, the User certifies to have the age of majority of the country from which the Application is being accessed.

 In no event shall TEAZR be liable for the use of the Application by a minor.

 The User recognizes and accepts responsibility for the respect of the confidential and personal logins and passwords associated on the User Account.

 Accordingly, the User accepts sole responsibility for all activity from the User Account and as such protection of the user account password.

 In no event shall TEAZR be liable for any loss or damage resulting from unauthorized access to the user account, fraudulently or otherwise.

 In the event of failure of the User concerning the obligation to preserve the confidentiality of the account logins, whether the user communicates them to third parties or shares account details with a third party, in voluntary manner or not, the user will assume entire responsibility for the consequences of such acts, fraudulent or not, and undertakes to compensate TEAZR fully for any loss or damage resulting from this.

 If the user is aware of an unauthorized use of password and/or user account, the user commits to inform TEAZR without delay by email to the following address: team.teazr@gmail.com


 The user acknowledges that the terms of the contract with the users mobile phone operator will continue to apply when using the Application.

 The user will be responsible for all costs that may be claimed by the mobile operator related to access to Internet connection services, Wifi, WAP and/or 3 G/4 G required for the use of the Application.

 In case of doubt, the user is advised to inquire with his mobile phone operator.


 The present end user license agreement (hereafter “EULA”) are intended to govern the access, downloading and use of the "TEAZR" Application (hereinafter "the Application") developed by TEAZR.

 Any access and/or Use of the Application acknowledges the acceptance and the respect of all terms of these EULA and their unconditional acceptance.

 They thus constitute a contract between Teazr and the User.

 In the event that the user does not wish to accept all or any part of these general conditions, he is asked to waive any use of the Application.

 By installing the Application, the User agrees to subject himself without reserve to the present end user license agreement of use.


 - Behavior/Conformity with the laws in force

 The User certifies to be at least 17 years old. Failing this, the use of this Application is prohibited.

 In addition, the user agrees that it is prohibited :

  • to use the Application to harm third parties, to shock them, intimidate or harass them;
  • to use the e-mail address of a natural person or moral third to create an user Account and to use the Application;
  • to use the Application for fraudulent or abusive ends;
  • to divert, make anonymous or mask its IP address or the source of Contents which the User could put online;
  • to use the Application for commercial or professional purposes, for the benefit of third parties or to send undesirable communications;
  • to delete or modify legal notices or other information relating to intellectual property present in the Application;
  • interfering with the Application, servers or networks providing our Application, or disrupting them;
  • to try to perform the decompilation, the retro engineering, disassembling, or the hacking of the Application, or to circumvent or neutralize technologies of encoding or safety measures applied to the data that Teazr transmits, treats or stores;
  • to recover in an illicit way, via various techniques (“harvesting”, “scraping”, etc), information concerning third parties using our Application, in particular their personal information (in particular by putting elements allowing to recover information, for example cookies of type “pixel tag”, .gif files or other techniques sometimes called software spies or mechanisms of passive collection);
  • to sell, transfer or try to sell or transfer an account used within the framework from the Application or any part of an account;
  • to contravene the obligations or regulations of any network connected to the Application;
  • to use the Application in a manner contravening laws or regulations in force;

 In the event of non-observance, TEAZR will reserve the right to remove content without delay and to ban the user from using the Application and to engage in judicial proceedings both criminal and civil.

 - Publication of content

 The term "content" means the information, words and content that the user voluntarily disseminates/publishes on the Application in a private or public capacity.

 The User is solely responsible for its use of the Application, the Content that it publishes on the Application, and any consequence that may arise therefrom.

 Teazr will not be responsible in any way for Content displayed or created by the User.

 The User is strictly prohibited whatsoever to put online, communicate, transmit or make content available that is :

  • considered, or be able to be considered, as unlawful, harmful, unwelcome, defamatory, obscene, objectionable or nudity;
  • considered, or be able to be considered, as not respecting the privacy of others;
  • considered, or be able to be considered, like likely to incite violence, racial hate or ethnic hate;
  • that the User is not authorized to place at the disposal (for example, of privileged or confidential information of third);
  • infringing the intellectual property laws or other property rights of third parties;
  • constituted as advertising, promotional content, unwanted messages, the systems of pyramidal sale or any other form of solicitation of an undesirable or fraudulent nature; files or computer programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of computer software or hardware, or equipment of telecommunications.

 If you suspect that a third party is breaching any or all of these terms and conditions, please contact us at : team.teazr@gmail.com

 Teazr does not control the Contents published in the Application by third parties and cannot thus guarantee the precision, the integrity or quality of the aforesaid Contents.

 The User accepts the risk of potential exposure to material that could be considered, shocking, reprehensible or indecent while using the Application.

 In no event shall TEAZR be held liable in any manner whatsoever to the content, including but not limited to, any errors or omissions present in content, or any loss or damage of any kind whatsoever related to the use of published content, sent by e-mail, transmitted or made available in any other way via the Application.

 In the event of non-observance, TEAZR will reserve the right to remove content without delay and to ban the user from using the Application and to engage in judicial proceedings both criminal and civil.

 TEAZR reserves the right to remove content that is put on line through the Application if it considers, in its sole discretion, that it causes or results from a violation of all or part of these conditions, or that it is likely to damage its reputation or that of the Application.

 The User acknowledges, however, that Teazr does not necessarily monitor the Content proposed by the Users of the Application and is not required to undertake such monitoring activities.

 The user is solely responsible for its interactions with other users of the Application.


 Teazr endeavors to ensure the availability of the Application 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

 However, it can happen that the access to the Application may be interrupted, in particular within the framework of emergency repair, update or upgrade, maintenance actions, or circumstance independent of the will of Teazr. In such a hypothesis, TEAZR commits itself to take all reasonable measures to limit these disturbances, provided that they are attributable to it.

 Teazr could not thus be held responsible in the event of eternal disturbances and independent of its will and its means.


 The Application and the contents of the Application are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and all applicable international standards, intellectual property, unless otherwise specified, is the exclusive property of Teazr or its partners.

 Any reproduction, representation, publication, transmission, use or modification, integral or partial of the Application and/or one of its elements, made without the written and preliminary authorization of Teazr would constitute a counterfeit likely to involve civil and/or penal continuations (articles L.335-2 CPI and following).

 Teazr grants to the User a license of revocable use, free, nontransferable, non-exclusive and international use of the Application in accordance with the EULA.


 - Dysfunctions because of external factors

 The User recognizes and accepts that the Application is provided by means of Internet, of mobile networks and consequently, that factors out of reasonable control of Teazr can affect the quality and the availability of the Application.

 By using the Application, the User accepts all the risks and characteristics inherent with the use of mobile terminals and Internet, in particular the possible technical dysfunctions of Internet networks and mobile telephony preventing the good progress and/or operation of the Application, computer viruses, technical anomalies and/or failures, delays of transmission, loss of data and the risks of hacking.

 Consequently, Teazr will not in any case be held responsible with regard to any of the following: availability, news, security, quality of whole or part of the Application, any software or application associated or all other produced, service or information obtained via the Application.

 In no event shall TEAZR be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage, of any kind whatsoever, resulting from the use and/or downloading of the Application, or any of its components, by the user.

 - Force Majeure

 Teazr is released from any responsibility if a failure with any obligation were the result of an emergency or a force majeur including, but not limited to, catastrophes, fires, internal or external strikes, internal or external failures or breakdowns, and generally any uncontrollable and unforeseeable event not allowing the good execution Teazr’s obligations.

 In such consequences the execution of this contract will be suspended during the duration of the event.



 Teazr reserves the right to constantly make modifications which it will consider necessary and useful to the present EULA.

 - Application

 The features and/or characteristic of the Application and the related services are evolutionary.

 Teazr reserves the right, to launch new services but also, without notice and within its discretion, to remove or modify whole or part of the features, characteristics, topics and/or services of the Application.


 In the event of problem, the claims will be treated only by e-mail at the address following : team.teazr@gmail.com


 - On the initiative of the user

 The user may request the termination of the EULA and the deletion of his user account at any time, without having to justify any reason, by simple e-mail sent to the following address : team.teazr@gmail.com

 - On the initiative of TEAZR

 Teazr may terminate the use of the Application by a User subject to one month's notice.

 TEAZR reserves the right to take all necessary measures, including termination of a user account, without giving reasons, notice, nor indemnities to the benefit of the user, in the case of a binding judicial decision, in the event of force majeur, failure to comply with these TOS or in cases of suspected fraud. Such a cancellation will occur without prejudice to all the damages which could be claimed in repair for damages and interest which may be claimed for damages suffered as a result of such breaches.

 - Effects

 At the time of any termination, the rights and licenses granted to the user shall be terminated and the user will have to cease any use of the Application.

 The User will not be entitled to any allowance.


 If any of the provisions of the GTC are deemed unwritten in the light of a rule of law or a law in force, the other stipulations of the contract will maintain their obligatory force and their range.


 Except as otherwise specified in these TOS, the fact that one of the parties did not require the Application of any clause of these TOS shall under no circumstances be construed as a waiver of the rights of that Party arising out of that clause.


 Teazr can yield the Contracts concluded with the Users or very part of them, and it can delegate any of its obligations under the Contracts.

 The User may not assign the contract, even in part, to sublicense or transfer user rights under the Contracts to any third party.


 This contract is subject to French law.

 In case of translation of the EULA, only the French version is valid and applicable.